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I hope today's things are right and wrong, and forgive yesterday's right and wrong.

Actually, I don't like staying up late. I just can't wait for your good night.

A boy met a girl he liked on the hill. Then the girl went to the city. The boy set up a tent on the hill and looked at the city with girls every day. Slowly, his neck grew longer and longer, and he became a deer with big horns.

There are many affectionate people in the world who always seem to be careless, like me.

I've heard countless words, which seem to make sense, but I believe two sentences most: one thing gathers in kind, the other is karma.

While eating, staying up late and doing beauty, while striving to squander, while self-discipline and unrestrained, while serious and fearless, while forgetting that you miss you, while loving you and hating you.

My sister suffered head injuries when she was a child. She could only remember four people at a time. From childhood to childhood, she can only remember father, mother and me. So my sister grew up and found a boyfriend. I said to her, "If you have a boyfriend, forget your brother." Then one day, my sister came over and cried to me and said, "Brother, who am I?"

Ambiguity is like "input" may have waited a long time, or nothing.

Some things, it seems that this is not the case now, but at that time, it was really a person who survived one second at a time.

相关感悟: 想对自己说一句对不起聪明人,五不说对待家人的态度,是一个人最真实的人品最可深交的人人,越孤独,越高贵想开了,就不累了男人值不值得嫁,看这一点就知道不要急着原谅伤害过你的人奋斗路上,好好照顾自己励志人生:改变,永远不嫌晚。



  • 匪夷所思  匪:不是;夷:平常。指言谈行动离奇古怪,不是一般人根据常情所能想象的。
  • 案无留牍  桌案上没有积压的公文。形容办理公务干练、及时。
  • 安分知足  安于本分,对自己所得到的待遇知道满足。
  • 拔萃出群  拔:超出。萃:原谓草丛生的样子,引伸为聚集,指聚集在一处的人或物。超出一般,在众人之上。
  • 飞沙走砾  沙:沙土;砾:小石块。沙土飞扬,小石块滚动。形容风势很猛。
  • 百般奉承  用各种方式来恭维讨好人。
  • 背井离乡  离开家乡到外地。
  • 分毫不爽  比喻没有丝毫差错。
  • 闭关却扫  却:停止;却扫:不再清扫车迹,意指谢客。关上大门,扫除车迹。指闭门谢客,不和外界往来。
  • 必恭必敬  恭、敬:端庄而有礼貌。形容态度十分恭敬。
  • 挨肩擦背  形容人多拥挤。
  • 病从口入  疾病多是由食物传染。比喻应该注意饮食卫生。
  • 肥马轻裘  裘:皮衣。骑肥壮的马,穿轻暖的皮衣。形容阔绰。
  • 飞蛾投火  象蛾子扑火一样。比喻自找死路、自取灭亡。
  • 飞云掣电  掣:闪过。像流云飞和闪电一样。形容非常迅速。